Arctoa: Author Guidelines
The scientific journal Arctoa welcomes submission of papers on mosses, liverworts and hornworts, and fossil plants that are putatively related to them.
Submitting manuscript to the Arctoa journal implies that the author(s) agree(s) with the Arctoa ethic statement []. This agreement has to be included in Cover letter to editor, along with the confirmation that the submission is original and novel, not published earlier and not considered for submission elsewhere.
We are trying to start peer reviewing process promptly, and in positive decision to publish the paper as nearest issue, if the manuscript meets all the requirements of the following guidelines. Please read the text below carefully and check important issues before submission. Manuscript that doesn't follow the present instructions will be returned for technical completion before sending to review.
Papers must be in English, except the sections of “New Records” and “Regional Floras”, where both English and Russian are acceptable. Further instruction for “New Bryophyte Records” and “Regional Floras” sections is given below.
Manuscripts should be submitted to two addresses: and Please name files with the surname of the first author with explanation of the file content (e.g., ivanov-text.rtf, ivanov-fig1 tif, etc.) written by letters of the Latin alphabet.
Manuscripts have to be fully prepared for publication, checked for language and the following rules. Numerous technical and orthographic errors preclude sending paper to reviewers; authors will be requested to improve and resubmit their papers. English editing is a responsibility of the author(s).
Titles, author names and abstracts will be published in both English and Russian. Authors can provide their own Russian version; however, if this information will not be supplied, then it will be completed by the editor.
1. Text of the manuscript includes: Title, Author(s), Author’ address and e-mail, Abstract, Text of paper, Literature Cited, Figure explanations, Table explanations, Tables. Files in *.doc and *.rtf are acceptable. In titles and authors do not use heading letters (except the first letter, as in usual text). Please suggest running head if the paper title is long; in the absence of suggestion, the editor can use his own version of the running head.
File with manuscript text must not include Figures. Each figure must be submitted as a separate file with indication in file name “fig-1”, “fig-2”, etc. Files in *.tif, *.jpg, and *.eps are acceptable and authors are requested to convert other files to these formats. DO NOT send figures embedded in files of text editors, e.g. MSWord. In case of difficulties, please, consult the editor for the possible exceptions. Line drawings should be preferably in black and white bitmap mode (no less 600 dpi, 1200 dpi recommended) or in grayscale mode (no less 200 dpi, 300-600 dpi recommended). Avoid figures in indexed colors. Figures must be of good quality and should have scale bars. In case of photographs, author can suggest the bar of certain length (preferably) rather than insert the bar himself. They can be arranged in plates or given separately.
4. Color photographs may be printed at author expense. However, color image files (RGB mode) that can be printed clearly in grayscale mode can be submitted as well, with indication that they are to be printed in grayscale mode; those figures will be in color in pdf file. In these cases authors should submit two files: color and grayscale ones, with the same beginning of the name, e.g. ivanov-fig1-rgb.tif (or ivanov-fig1-color.tif) AND ivanov-fig1-black-white.tif.
Previously published figures will be accepted only with the writing permission of the copyright holder; authors are requested to obtain these permissions and submit to Arctoa along with the manuscript.
Footnotes should be avoided as much as possible; each footnote has to be submitted as a separate file (and text should have reference to this file in appropriate place, FOOTNOTE1, etc.). This does not concern author addresses that are given immediately after authors of the paper.
1. Only SI units must be used.
2. The Latin names of species and infraspecific taxa should include author(s) at first mention. However, if the paper has a list or catalogue of all species, then authors should be mentioned in that list and not in the text. If species concepts follow one of checklists and all the species names would have the species authors as in that checklist, then please give reference to this checklist and do not provide any authors of species and infraspecific taxa. Author abbreviations should follow
3. Herbarium acronyms must follow Index Herbariorum,
1. The Latin names of plants and animals must be in italics for taxa of rank of genera and below (e.g. genera, species, infraspecific taxa), but in normal font for taxa above genera (e.g. families, classes, etc.); rank of taxa (e.g. var., subsp.) in normal font). No other formatting (font, paragraph, style) in text is needed, except letters absent in English alphabet (see below) and literature references (as explained below).
2. Microns should be given as mkm. Letters ä ü ö should be given as ae, ue, oe respectively and underlined. Other specific letters should be underlined, but their correct printing is not guaranteed.
3. Dates should be given as follow: day (in Arabic numerals).month (in Roman numerals).year (in Arabic, in four numerals), e.g. 25.VII.1998
4. Decimal fraction should be written with full stop (0.1), not comma (0,1).
5. Variation in dimensional characters should be given with n-dash, (20–)25–30, not with hyphen; note that no space should be near hyphen in this case.
6. Dash can be given as hyphen or dash, but always with space before and after it.
7. Space must be always put after numerals, point (except in decimal and dates), comma, colon, semicolon. Never put two spaces together.
8. References to figures should be numbered. If the paper has only one figure it must be Fig. 1. All figures have to be discussed in the text.
9. References in text must be as follow: Ivanov (2000), or (Ivanov, 2000); Ivanov & Sidorov (2000), or (Ivanov & Sidorov, 2000); Ivanov et al. (2000), or (Ivanov et al., 2000).
10. Literature citations must include author’s names written in ordinary way, with the only first heading letter; All-caps style will be given in the course of the final technical preparation. Titles of the journals must not be abbreviated. Please follow the examples below:
Potemkin, A.D. 2001. Three new species of Scapania (Hepaticae) from India and China. – Annales Botanici Fennici 38: 1–7.
[Bardunov, L.V.] Бардунов Л.В. 1999. О редких видах во флоре листостебельных мхов Центральной Сибири. – [On the rare species in the moss flora of Central Siberia] Ботанический Журнал [Botanicheskij Zhurnal] 84(2): 73–78.
[Belkina, O.A. & A.Yu. Likhachev] Белкина, О.А., А.Ю. Лихачев. 1999. Скальная бриофлора гор Мурманской области. – [To cliff moss flora of Murmansk Region mountains (North-West Russia)] В кн: Флора и растительность Мурманской области (ред. Константинова, Н.А.) Апатиты, Кольский научный центр РАН [In: Konstantinova, N.A. (ed.) Flora i rastitel’nost’ Murmanskoj oblasti. Apatity, Kol’skij nauchnyj zentr Ross. Akad. Nauk]: 31–54.
Smith, A.J.E. 1978. The moss flora of Britain and Ireland. – Cambridge & al., Cambridge Univ. Press, 706 pp.
[Savicz-Lyubitskaya, L.I. & Z.N. Smirnova] Савич-Любицкая Л.И., З.Н. Смирнова. 1970. Определитель листостебельных мхов СССР. Верхоплодные мхи. – [The handbook of mosses of the USSR. The acrocarpous mosses] Л., Наука [Leningrad, Nauka], 826 pp.
[Bardunov, L.V. & A.N. Vasilyev] Бардунов Л.В., А.Н. Васильев. 1998. Бриофлора лесов Сибири. – [The bryoflora of forests of Siberia] В кн.: Проблемы ботаники на рубеже XX-XXI веков. Тез. док., представленных II(X) съезду Русского ботанического общества (26-29 мая 1998, Санкт-Петербург). Т. 2. СПб: БИН РАН [In: Problemy botaniki na rubezhe 20-21th vekov. Abstr. II(X) Congr. Russ. Bot. Soc. (26-29 May, 1998, St.Petersburg). Vol. 2. St.-Petersburg, Komarov' Bot. Inst.]: 127–128.
Latin names are given in italics in Literature Cited.
Full stop must be after authors.
Journal, book, pages must be in italics. Volume must be boldfaced. Pages must be spaced by n-dash
Order of literature references is alphabetical, following Latin transliteration of Cyrillic alphabet.
Manuscripts will be reviewed and authors will be informed of the overall evaluation of the submitted paper, and may be requested to complete, delete or amend part of the paper. In case of disagreement with reviewer’ opinion, the author(s) should provide explanation of their position to the editor. In case of major revision, the manuscript may be send to the additional review.
Proof reading copy
After paper acceptance, the proof reading copy will be send to author with request to check the paper and return a corrected copy as soon as possible. The non-receipt of proof reading copy within ten days does not guarantee that corrections will be included in publication. If paper has more than one author, then proof reading copy will be send to the first author unless otherwise is indicated. Numerous mistakes in the original manuscript will be corrected in proof reading file only at author expense.
Printed version in *.pdf file will be provided to authors free of charge. No separate reprints will be provided.
“New Bryophyte Records” section
“New Bryophyte Records” section presents short notes about interesting records, as well as an information about species missing for certain provinces and countries. Each record must have longitude and latitude data (if this is not indicated in label, please give this approximately [with ~] according to map). Name of collector should be in both Latin and Cyrillic alphabet. Collection date (prior the collector) and collector number (after collector name) should be also given, as well as herbarium where the specimen is deposited.
Since 21 volume, the format of New Bryophyte Records in Arctoa was slightly changed. It appears as one article of many authors, and (1) has one bibliography for all contributions; (2) list of authors with addresses is after bibliography; (3) ackowledgements are restricted by abbreviation of foundation and and grant number, written after author address.
Citation of New Bryophyte Record’ material may be in two ways:
Ivanov I.I. 2020. New moss records from Ivanono Province. 1. – In: Sofronova E.V. (ed.) New bryophyte records. 10. Arctoa 30: 300–350.
Sofronova E.V., Aleksandrov A.A., Ivanov A.I., Ivanov I.A., Ivanov I.I., Volkov V.V. 2020. New bryophyte records. 10. – Arctoa 30: 300–350.
The series of New Bryophyte Records has started in vol. 21 since the first number: “Новые бриологические находки. 1 – New bryophyte records. 1”, however, the previous numbering from vols. 15-20 for separate regions remained.
New moss records from Ivanono Province. 5. – Новые находки мхов в Ивановской области. 5. I.I. Ivanov – И.И. Иванов
New for Russia – Новые для России
Ivanovia ivanovii Ivanov – Ivanovo Distr., Ivanovka, (93°93'N – 189°93'E), 14000 m alt., on limestone with Cephalozia bicuspidata, 32.V.2020 Ivanov # 666666 [Иванов] {IVAN}.
“Regional Floras” section
Section will publish papers with complete lists of mosses / hepatics from poorly known regions that have sufficient novelty for this region. Papers in Russian and English are accepted, in the former case information about study area and species frequency must be provided in a way that is understandable for all readers. Captions for tables and illustrations and abstract must be in two languages. Welcomed are the overviews of habitat types, including characteristic bryophytes.
New Publication
New Publication sections is publishing bibliography on bryological literature concerning East Europe and North Asia, and represented in at least one of the following libraries: of Komarov’ Botanical Institute in St.-Petersburg, Main Botanical Garden in Moscow, and Institute of Biology in Ufa, or pdf-file (if not from Journal, then with the title page), sent to three addresses: Irina Czernyadjeva <>, Elena Sofronova <>, and Michael Ignatov <>.